Contact Us
Homer J. Thornberry Federal Judicial Bldg.
903 San Jacinto Blvd., Suite 332
Austin, Texas 78701
Contacting the Court:
For filing questions, contact the Clerk’s Office at: (512) 916-5237.
For procedural questions regarding matters pending before the court, email the law clerks, the courtroom deputy, and copy all affected parties. The trustee in chapter 7, 11 (where applicable), 12, and 13 cases should also be copied. A representative from the U.S. Trustee’s office should be copied in cases where the debtor in possession is acting as the trustee. Because it is difficult to include all affected parties on phone calls, you must communicate with chambers about pending cases only through email copied on affected parties.
For questions about hearing settings, exhibits, and technical questions about Zoom/telephonic hearings, email the courtroom deputy and copy the law clerks.
Business Cases
Consumer Cases
Communicate with Chambers by Email Copied on Affected Parties
Continuances & Expedites
Extension of Time
Meeting of Creditors
Objections to Claim
Service on IRS - Claims Objections and Other Pleadings
How to Request Remote Appearance (by Zoom or Telephone) at Courtroom Hearings
Virtual Courtroom Guidelines for Users
- Form Order – Main Case
- Form Order – Adversary Proceeding
- Form Order Granting Continuance
- Form Motion to Expedite
- Form Order Granting Expedited Hearing
- Form Protective Order
- Form Order Granting Motion to Delay Discharge
- Form Order Waiving Right to Claim a Default Based Upon Failure to Reaffirm a Debt
- Form Order Granting Objection to Claim
- Form Order Restricting Access (Redacting)
Standing Orders
Upcoming Dockets
Courtroom Attire