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Honorable Shad M. Robinson, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge

Presides over cases in the Austin and Midland Divisions

Contact Us

Homer J. Thornberry Federal Judicial Bldg.
903 San Jacinto Blvd., Suite 332
Austin, Texas 78701

Contacting the Court:

For filing questions, contact the Clerk’s Office at: (512) 916-5237.

For procedural questions regarding matters pending before the court, email the law clerks, the courtroom deputy, and copy all affected parties. The trustee in chapter 7, 11 (where applicable), 12, and 13 cases should also be copied. A representative from the U.S. Trustee’s office should be copied in cases where the debtor in possession is acting as the trustee. Because it is difficult to include all affected parties on phone calls, you must communicate with chambers about pending cases only through email copied on affected parties.

For questions about hearing settings, exhibits, and technical questions about Zoom/telephonic hearings, email the courtroom deputy and copy the law clerks.

Adam Schmit, Term Law Clerk
Juliana Steward, Term Law Clerk
Jennifer Lopez, Courtroom Deputy
Clerk’s Office
(512) 916-5237


  • Business Cases

  • Consumer Cases

  • Communicate with Chambers by Email Copied on Affected Parties

  • Continuances & Expedites

  • Exhibits

  • Extension of Time

  • Meeting of Creditors

  • Objections to Claim

  • Redaction

  • Service on IRS - Claims Objections and Other Pleadings

  • Virtual Courtroom Guidelines for Users

  • How to Request Remote Appearance (by Zoom or Telephone) at Courtroom Hearings 

    • If a hearing is set to be conducted in the Courtroom (in-person), the Court will consider permitting counsel and parties to appear remotely (by Zoom or telephone), when appropriate and upon request. Consideration will be given to the nature and scope of the matter before the Court, the purpose of the appearance, the number of parties appearing, associated time and cost of travel, and equity to all parties, when a request to appear remotely is made. 

    • If a hearing is set to be conducted in the Courtroom (in-person) and counsel or a party wants to attend the hearing remotely by Zoom or telephone, counsel must electronically file a Request for Zoom Appearance or a Request for Telephonic Appearance at least 48 hours before the hearing. A Request for Zoom Appearance event and a Request for Telephonic Appearance event has been created in CM/ECF as a text only entry, with no PDF attachment.  It will prompt the filer to include the reason for the request, a phone number, date and time of the hearing, and linkage to the matter being heard. If Judge Robinson approves the Request, a Judge’s Notice of Party Permitted to Appear by Zoom (or telephonically) will be entered on the docket. If Judge Robinson denies the Request, a Judge’s Notice of Party Not Permitted to Appear by Zoom (or telephonically) will be entered on the docket. Judge Robinson prefers that counsel desiring to appear remotely request to appear by Zoom and not by telephone. Telephonic appearances are permissible only if counsel or a party is monitoring a hearing, has a very short announcement, or some extraordinary circumstance. Witness appearances are not permitted by telephone.   

    • If you are not a registered user with the Texas Western Bankruptcy Court CM/ECF system, email the Courtroom Deputy Jennifer Lopez ( with your request to appear by Zoom or telephonically at a hearing set to be conducted in the Courtroom.  You will be notified by email if your request is approved or denied. 

    • Please mute your phone line or audio connection immediately when appearing remotely by Zoom or telephone (and advise your clients of the same). Other hearings may be in progress, and you do not want to interrupt other hearings. Once your case is called, you may unmute your phone line or audio connection when the Court requests appearances or requests you to speak. If appearing by telephone, please state your name each time before you speak.  If a technological problem develops, the hearing may continue in the Courtroom without the participation of those appearing remotely. Accordingly, persons choosing to remotely attend a hearing being conducted in the Courtroom do so at their own risk.   

    • IMPORTANT NOTE--if a hearing has been set and noticed to be conducted by Zoom or by telephone, it is not necessary for counsel or a party to request to appear by Zoom or by telephone. 



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