Unclaimed funds are funds held by the court for an owner or recipient who is entitled to the money, but who has failed to claim ownership of it. Unclaimed funds may arise out of a variety of circumstances. For example, delivery of a payment may not be possible because of faulty or incomplete address information for the recipient or dividend checks from bankruptcy cases may not be cashed. The U.S. Courts, as custodians of these funds, have established policies and procedures for holding, safeguarding, and accounting for these funds.
Unclaimed Funds Locator
Requirements for Claiming Funds
The following forms must all be completed and submitted together for the claim to be processed:
Application for Unclaimed Funds
AO 213P Form *Form updated, see note below*
*When completing the new AO213 form, please be sure to include your banking information in the Financial Information box to receive your payment via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT); otherwise your payment will be made by Treasury check and mailed to the address provided on the form. Note, the address on the form must be the same as that on the application.*
The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (DCIA) requires federal government entities to collect delinquent debt owed to federal and some state agencies by applying all or a portion of federal payments to those delinquent debts. If you suspect your payment has been offset by a delinquent debt, please call our office at 210-278-5715.
Please review the Unclaimed Funds Listing to see if you are due to receive any funds from this court. If you are due unclaimed funds, please follow the Requirements for Claiming Funds using the Application for Unclaimed Funds. If you have any questions about unclaimed funds, please contact the court’s Financial Administrator at (210) 278-5715.