Can we mail the original declaration to the Clerk’s office?
Yes, you can either mail it or bring it in person to the Clerk’s office.
What does the Clerk's office do with the original copy of the declaration?
The Clerk’s office will store the original paper copy in an area separate from the case file.
If we miss the five day deadline for submitting the declaration, will we receive notification before it is dismissed?
Yes, past due deadline notifications will be sent to the filer prior to further action.
Does the declaration replace the requirement to submit a form 21?
Yes, the declaration form contains the necessary debtor verification of the Social Security information as required by FRBP 1007.
Do I have to file a declaration when I file an amended plan?
Do I have to turn my e-mail notification on?
Yes. The Administrative Procedures for Electronic Filing requires electronic filers to consent to electronic notice from the court and other parties. All electronic filers must activate their e-mail notification no later than March 1.
How do I turn on my e-mail notification or change my e:mail address?
To activate your e-mail notification, select Utilities link on the CM/ECF Main Menu bar. Click on Maintain Your ECF Account and select the E-mail Information button at the bottom of the page. The same process is to be used for changing the e-mail address. For more information look on the court’s web site at Electronic Filing Procedures for Attorneys.
What's the difference in electing to receive a notice of each filing or electing a daily summary?
A notice of each filing means you will receive e-mail notices when activity occurs throughout the day. The title of the e-mail will describe the type of filing and the case number. A daily summary report is a comprehensive list of one day’s activity sent once a day. A summary report includes the case numbers and titles of cases in which activity occurred for that day. The text of the summary e-mail notification will display the docket event and the document number. Both options will contain an electronic link (hyperlink) to the filed document, allowing anyone receiving the notice to retrieve the document. One “free look” is given when the recipient clicks the document link. You cannot elect to receive both separate notices and the summary report.
How is service done electronically? Will I have to obtain e-mail addresses to service parties electronically?
The CM/ECF system automatically generates a Notice of Electronic Filing at the time a document is filed in the system. The Notices indicates the time of filing, the name of the party and attorney filing the document, type of document, and the text of the docket entry. It also contains an electronic link to the filed document. The CM/ECF system automatically sends this notice via e-mail to all party filers on the case who have setup their e-mail notification account with the court.
How do I know who will receive the Notice of Electronic Filing?
When an electronic user files their document electronically, the system will display a notice of electronic filing screen after the completion of the filing. The notice will list the names and e-mail address of all case party filers who have activated their e-mail notification and will receive the court’s electronic notification of the filing.
How does the court know that the e-mail notices are successfully transmitted?
The court’s system will identify daily undeliverable notices. Those recipients will be contacted to resolve the issue.
Will I have to know who receives electronic notification and who does not before I prepare my certificate of service for filing?
No. You can style your certificate as indicated on FAQ#13(a). If you would like to know which party filers on the case have their e-mail notification turned on before you prepare your certificate of service, you can find this information by selecting Utilities on the CM/ECF main menu bar. Click Mailings and select Mailing Info for a Case.
How should I style my certificate of service?
You can style it as follows:
I certify that on date a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing was served upon the following parties via electronic means as listed on the court's ECF noticing system or by regular first class mail:
I certify that on date a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing was served by the method and to the following parties as indicated:
By Regular First Class Mail:
AddressBy Electronic Means as listed on the Court’s ECF Noticing System:
I certify that on date a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing was served upon the following parties via electronic means as listed on the court's ECF noticing system or by regular first class mail:
Do I list all the parties on my certificate of service even though some of them will be receiving notice electronically?
Yes. A list of all parties served must appear on your certificate of service. The court’s Notice of Electronic Filing will identify which parties received notice electronically.