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Motions to Expedite

Per Local Rule 9014(e), unless otherwise provided by order:

  1. a motion to expedite a hearing or consideration of a matter must state good cause for expediting
  2. the motion must be filed as a separate pleading from the matter which is requested to be expedited
  3. the motion must contain a certificate of conference reflecting efforts to confer with affected parties regarding the relief requested or the reasons why conferring was not possible or practical. Failure to include a certificate of conference may result in dismissal of the motion due to non-compliance with Local Rule 9014(f).

See Form Motion to Expedite
In addition, to obtain an expedited hearing from, or expedited consideration by, Judge Davis:

  1. the underlying motion that is requested to be expedited should NOT contain the negative notice permitted under Local Rule 9014(a)
  2. a proposed form of order granting the motion to expedite, in substantially the form provided below (see Form Order Granting Expedited Hearing), must be uploaded when the motion to expedite is filed
  3. the movant must email the Courtroom Deputy when the motion to expedite is filed, to notify her of the filing
  4. when notified by the Courtroom Deputy that the motion is granted, the movant must provide notice of the continuance to all interested parties and per Local Rule 9014(e), within five days, must file a certificate of service reflecting that notice